Programming Field

Easy Chord Detector

A chord-search app from notes. → Usage
日本語版: Easyコーダー

You can add this tool as an application:

Note input form

Keyboard (Piano)

View style:

Keyboard is scrollable horizontally.

Firsts Seconds Thirds

Selected chord name:
Notes for selected chord:

* To use MIDI device as input, please connect the device before click ‘Input settings’.


View / How to use

The Keyboard input and the guitar palette are in ‘Note input form’. By selecting note checkboxes ( or ) in either view/palette, the chords will appear in ‘Firsts’, ‘Seconds’, and ‘Thirds’.

  • In the Keyboard view, please select ‘Root’ note if it is known.
  • For the guitar palette, please select ‘None’ checkbox if the string should be muted. The lowest string is used as the root note if ‘Root: unknown’ is not selected.
  • For text-input mode, please input Note name such as ‘CDEFGAB’(English), ‘CDEFGAH’(Deutsch), 'DoReMiFaSoLaSi', or ‘ハニホヘトイロ’(Japanese). For example, inputting ‘CEG’ will result chord ‘C’.
    • If you type semicolon ‘;’ or space character just after the first note, the first note will be treated as a root note and excluded from chord-consisting note. If you want to include to the chord, please type the note one more.
  • Chords are detected for the last note selections. For example, if you click a checkbox in the Keyboard view and then click the one in the guitar palette, the chord detection is done with the guitar notes.

The Keyboard input and the guitar palette are in ‘Note input form’. By settings check mark for notes in either view/palette, the chords will appear in ‘Firsts’, ‘Seconds’, and ‘Thirds’.

  • For the Keyboard view, you can set check mark () by clicking a key. The mark () in the key represents the focused. And, please select ‘Root’ note if it is known.
  • For the guitar palette, please select ‘None’ checkbox if the string should be muted. The lowest string is used as the root note if ‘Root: unknown’ is not selected.
  • For text-input mode, please input Note name such as ‘CDEFGAB’(English), ‘CDEFGAH’(Deutsch), 'DoReMiFaSoLaSi', or ‘ハニホヘトイロ’(Japanese). For example, inputting ‘CEG’ will result chord ‘C’.
    • If you type semicolon ‘;’ or space character just after the first note, the first note will be treated as a root note and excluded from chord-consisting note. If you want to include to the chord, please type the note one more.
  • Chords are detected for the last note selections. For example, if you click a checkbox in the Keyboard view and then click the one in the guitar palette, the chord detection is done with the guitar notes.

The ‘View style’ on the Keyboard view can be selected from following styles:

  • Touch: Entire keys on the Keyboard view are clickable/touchable, and the marks can be set by clicking/touching keys. (default)
  • Classic: The checkboxes will appear on the Keyboard view.

When selecting chords detected with the Keyboard view, Some symbols may appear on the notes. These symbols represent the role of note in the chord. For example, ‘root’ means the root note, ‘3rd’ means the third, and ‘7th’ means the (dominant) seventh.

Playing notes

If ‘Play’ button is visible, you can play notes with periodic waveform sound. ‘Play’ button next to the Keyboard view will play selected notes in the Keyboard and ‘Play’ button next to ‘Selected chord name’ will play selected chord notes.

MIDI input device

* This feature is available only in some browsers such as Google Chrome.

If the MIDI input device is available, ‘MIDI input device’ in ‘Input settings’ may be selectable. By selecting the input device, you can select the notes in the Keyboard view by playing appropriate notes. Note that the notes previously checked, except for the root-note check, will be reseted.


  • On the chord name, ‘#’ is used as the sharp symbol instead of‘♯’and ‘b’ is used as the flat symbol instead of ‘♭’. (Note that ‘b’ cannot be used as flat symbol in input-text mode.)
  • Major seventh = ‘M7’, Minor major seventh = ‘mM7’, Dimished triad = ‘dim’, Diminished seventh = ‘dim7’, Augmented triad = ‘aug’
  • ‘Firsts’, ‘Seconds’, and ‘Thirds’ are the accuracy division (Firsts are the best). The order of chords in each list is the C, D, E, ... order, and independent of the accuracy.
  • The power chord is not detected. (Both the major and the minor will be included.)
  • The tuning of strings is set to the standard: E, A, D, G, B, and E. For detection with the capo, please mark all strings in the fret which capo is set, and then mark the actual strings to press.
  • ‘+’ and ‘-’ are used for the sharp and flat symbols for degrees, respectively.
  • Even if the root note is selected, the chord with different root note may appear in the result list. Please note that the root note does not mean the base note.
  • When specifying the root note other than ‘Unknown’, the result chords may include the chord name including ‘/’ character such as ‘D/C’. This means its chord is a slash chord; the left side of ‘/’ is the chord name and the right side is the bass note. It does not mean combination of two chords.

Change logs

Expand change logs (current version: 2024/02/06 [ver 5.5-e])
  • 2024/02/06 [ver 5.5-e] - Support slash chords (e.g. D/C), support for specifying the root note in text-input mode, support hiragana characters
  • 2023/11/03 [ver 5.4-e] - Adjust keyboard-input design, change display change processing
  • 2023/09/18 [ver 5.3.1-e] - Add a feature to install as an app
  • 2022/10/02 [ver 5.3-e] - Adjust chord detection
  • 2022/09/15 [ver 5.2-e] - Change root-note input style for Keyboard input
  • 2022/08/24 [ver 5.1-e] - Show results with list view for mobile devices
  • 2022/08/14 [ver 5.0-e] - Add text-input mode
  • 2022/01/15 [ver 4.1-e] - Change view style to toggle-mode (Keyboard and Guitar)
  • 2021/06/03 [ver 4.0-e] - Initial release for an English version

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