List of commands by purpose - DOS/Command Prompt Reference
Introduces commands that can be used in MS-DOS Prompt, Command Prompt, or batch files based on their purposes.
For command list in alphabetical order, please see the top page of ‘DOS/Command Prompt Reference’.
To operate (copy/move/delete etc.) a file
There are the following commands for file operations.
‘<’ (input redirection) | Reads the content from a file when the command prompts for input. |
‘>’ (output redirection) | Writes the output generated by the command execution to a file. |
‘>>’ (append redirection) | Appends the output generated by the command execution to the end of the file. |
Attrib | Changes the attributes of one or more files. |
Comp | [Windows XP? or later] Compares two or more files and outputs the differences on the screen. |
Copy | Copies one or more files. |
Del, Erase | Deletes one or more files. |
Expand | [MS-DOS 5.0 or later/Windows XP? or later] Extracts compressed files in LZ77 format or CAB format (XP and later). |
Fc | Compares two files or one-to-many files and outputs the differences on the screen. |
Icacls | [Windows Vista or later] Displays or modifies the Access Control List (ACL) of a file. |
Mklink | [Windows Vista or later] Creates symbolic links or hard links. |
More command | Outputs the contents of a text file, dividing them to fit one screen at a time. |
Move | Moves one or more files. |
Openfiles | [Windows XP or later] You can check and disconnect remotely opened files. |
Prints the contents of a text file using the specified device. | |
Recover | [MS-DOS 5.0 or earlier?/Windows NT series?/2000, XP or later] Attempts to recover files from the disk. |
Ren, Rename | Renames a file or directory. |
Replace | Replaces specific files within the target directory with another file. |
Robocopy | Copies files based on specified conditions. It supports filtering by file date and attributes, and also accommodates options specified in log files or command files (job files). |
Takeown | [Windows Vista or later] Sets the owner of a file or directory to the current user. |
Type | Outputs the contents of a text file. |
Xcopy | Copies one or more files. It can also copy entire directories. |
To list files / To execute a command for each files
To display a list of files in a directory or execute the same command on files within a directory, you primarily use the following commands.
Dir | Displays a list of files in the directory. |
For | Executes a command on all files/directories that match the specified conditions. |
Forfiles | [Windows Vista? or later] Executes a command on all files/directories that match the specified conditions. |
Tree | Displays a tree-like structure of subdirectories and files within a directory. |
To change the working directory / To copy/move/delete the directory
There are the following commands for directory operations.
‘<drive-letter>:’ | Changes (moves) the operating drive. (You can execute it directly, such as ‘C:’). |
Cd, Chdir | Changes the current working directory. |
Deltree | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Deletes a directory, even if it is not empty. |
Icacls | [Windows Vista or later] Displays or modifies the Access Control List (ACL) of a directory. |
If | You can check the existence of a directory. ([MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] You can perform existence checking using NUL.) |
Md, Mkdir | Creates a directory. |
Mklink | [Windows Vista or later] Creates a symbolic link / hard link / junction point. |
Move | Moves one or more files/directories. |
Pushd | [Windows NT series] Changes the current working directory. This change can be reversed using Popd. |
Ren, Rename | Renames a file or directory. |
Rd, Rmdir | Deletes a directory. [Windows NT series/XP or later only] Deletes even if it is not empty. |
Robocopy | [Windows Vista or later] Copies files within a directory. To copy entire directories, several options need to be specified, allowing for detailed control. |
Subst | Creates a virtual drive with the specified directory as the root directory. |
Xcopy | Copies one or more files. It can also copy entire directories. |
To show/operate the drive or the volume
There are the following commands for drive and volume operations.
‘<drive-letter>:’ | Changes (moves) the operating drive. (You can execute it directly, such as ‘C:’). |
Chkdsk | Checks for errors on the specified drive. |
Diskcomp | [MS-DOS, and Windows NT series up to Windows 8.1] Compares two floppy disks. |
Diskcopy | [MS-DOS, and Windows NT series up to Windows 8.1] Copies the floppy disk to the another disk. |
Format | Initializes (formats) the specified disk drive. |
Fdisk | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Launches the disk management utility. |
Label | Displays or changes the volume label and serial number of a disk. |
Mountvol | [Windows NT series] Displays the currently mounted volumes on the system and performs mounting or dismounting operations. |
Recover | [MS-DOS 5.0 or earlier?/Windows NT series?/2000, XP or later] Attempts to recover files from the disk. |
Scandisk | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Checks for errors on the specified drive. |
Subst | Creates a virtual drive with the specified directory as the root directory. |
Vol | Displays the volume label and serial number of a disk. |
To use texts/strings
There are the following commands for processing text (strings) in the prompt.
‘<’ (input redirection) | Reads the content from a file when the command prompts for input. |
‘>’ (output redirection) | Writes the output generated by the command execution to a file. |
‘>>’ (append redirection) | Appends the output generated by the command execution to the end of the file. |
% (percent) | Expands environment variables and uses their content as text. |
! (exclamation mark) | [Windows NT series] [Extensions] Uses delayed environment variable expansion to expand environment variables and uses their content as text. |
^ (caret) | [Windows NT series] It is used when you want to use special characters such as redirection symbols as ordinary characters. |
Clip | [Windows Vista or later] Copies the input the Clip program receives to the clipboard. |
Echo | Displays (outputs) text. |
Find | Searches for a specified string in a file and outputs the lines where it is found, among other information. |
Findstr | Searches for a specified string in a file and outputs the lines where it is found, among other information. It allows for more detailed search options compared to Find. |
For | [Windows NT series] [Extensions] Parses and separates text from arguments, file contents, or command output using the ‘/F’ option. |
If | 文字列の比較を行うことができます。 |
Set | [Windows NT series] [Extensions] The ‘/A’ option is used for numerical calculations. Additionally, the ‘/P’ option sets input from the prompt into environment variables. |
Sort | Sorts the input text and outputs it. |
To configure the prompt
There are the following commands for making configuration changes to the screen or environment in the prompt or batch program sessions.
‘<drive-letter>:’ | Changes (moves) the operating drive. (You can execute it directly, such as ‘C:’). |
Adddrv | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Loads and makes a device available for use in the current session. |
Cls | Clears the display on the screen. |
Cd, Chdir | Changes the current working directory. |
Chcp | Switches the code page (language setting, character encoding). |
Color | [Windows NT series] Sets the colors on the screen. |
Deldrv | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Releases the device loaded in the current session. |
Doskey | Changes or extends the input method on the prompt. |
Echo | Toggles the echo functionality (switching the display of ‘C:\>’ and similar prompts) by specifying ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. |
Exit | Exits the Command Interpreter (prompt). |
Help | Displays the help for various commands. |
Mode | Configures settings for parallel ports, screen, etc., used in DOS/command prompt, including parameters such as baud rate and code page. |
Path | Displays or modifies the PATH environment variable. |
Popd | [Windows NT series] Reverts the changes made to the current working directory using the ‘pushd’ command. |
Prompt | Modifies the prompt display. |
Pushd | [Windows NT series] Changes the current working directory. This change can be reversed using Popd. |
Set | Displays or modifies environment variables. |
Setver | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Manages version tables for MS-DOS programs. |
Title | [Windows NT series] Changes the title of the prompt window. |
To display/configure the system settings/state
There are the following commands to display or modify system-wide settings and the system's status.
Assoc | [Windows NT series?/XP or later] Displays or modifies file extension associations. |
Break | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Modifies whether interrupting with Ctrl+C is allowed during file operations. |
Date | Changes the system date. |
Ftype | [Windows NT series?/XP or later] Displays or modifies the file types used for file associations. |
Hostname | [Windows NT series?] Displays the hostname of the local computer. |
Lh, Loadhigh | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Loads and executes a resident program into upper memory. |
Mem | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Displays the current status of memory usage, including conventional memory and upper memory. |
Mountvol | [Windows NT series] Displays currently mounted volumes on the system and performs mounting or unmounting operations. |
Reg | [Windows NT series/XP or later] Performs registry operations via the command line. |
Runas | [Windows 2000 or later] Runs a program as a different user. |
Setx | [Windows Vista or later] Adds or modifies values in user-specific or system-wide environment variable settings. |
Shutdown | [Windows XP or later] Performs actions such as shutting down or restarting the system. |
Sys | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Transfers (copies) necessary files to the system drive. |
Systeminfo | [Windows NT series] Displays information about the computer. |
Tasklist | [Windows XP Professional/Vista or later] Displays a list of programs running on the computer along with their information. |
Taskkill | [Windows XP Professional/Vista or later] Terminates a program running on the computer. |
Time | Changes the system time. |
Tskill | [Windows XP or later] Terminates a program running on the computer. |
Tzutil | [Windows Vista? or later] Displays or modifies the time zone settings. |
Ver | Displays the version of MS-DOS/Windows. |
Verify | Displays or sets whether file verification (checking if files are correctly written) is enabled. |
Whoami | [Windows Vista or later] Outputs information such as the username, group name, and permissions based on the current session. |
To control the batch program
To execute programs or change the execution order in a batch file or similar environment, use the following commands.
‘<exec-file>’ | Executes a command or program (directly run ‘cmd.exe’, for example). |
| (pipe) | Redirects the output of one command as the input for another command. |
@ (at mark) | Suppresses displaying commands on the screen even when Echo is ON. |
: (colon) | Defines a label. |
% (percent) | Expands environment variables and uses their content as text. |
! (exclamation mark) | [Windows NT series] [Extensions] Uses delayed environment variable expansion to expand environment variables and uses their content as text. |
& (ampersand) | [Windows NT series] Executes two commands in sequence on a single line. |
|| (logical OR) | [Windows NT series] Executes the command specified on the left of ‘||’, and if it fails, executes the command specified on the right. |
&& (logical AND) | [Windows NT series] Execute the command specified on the left of ‘&&’, and if it succeeds, execute the command specified on the right. |
‘( )’ (parentheses characters) | [Windows NT series] Groups commands together, commonly used with ‘For’ or ‘If’ statements. |
Choice | [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me, Windows Vista or later] Displays options and prompt the user for a choice. |
Call | Executes a batch program without terminating the calling batch program. [Windows NT series] [Extensions] Temporarily transfers control to another part within the same batch program, similar to a function call. |
Cmd | [Windows NT series] Launches the command interpreter (the Command Prompt). |
Command | Launch the command interpreter (the MS-DOS Prompt). |
Echo | Displays (outputs) text. Or toggles the echo functionality (switching the display of ‘C:\>’ and similar prompts) by specifying ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. |
Endlocal | [Windows NT series] Ends the localization of environment variables. |
Exit | Exits the command interpreter (prompt). If no options are specified, it will exit not only batch programs but also the prompt.[Windows NT series] [Extensions] ‘Call’で呼び出したラベル内での処理を終了します。 |
Goto | Jumps to the specified label. |
If | Performs a conditional test, and if the condition is true, executes the specified command. |
Pause | Pauses execution and waits for user input. |
Rem | Ignores the text following on the same line. It is used for commenting. |
Set | Displays or modifies environment variables. |
Setlocal | [Windows NT series] Localizes environment variables. [Extensions] Sets the ON/OFF status of Extensions or the delayed environment variable expansion feature. |
Shift | Shifts the contents of batch program parameters (arguments). |
Start command | [Windows 95/98/Me/NT/XP or later] Executes a program or open a file. It can also specify whether to wait for termination, even for GUI programs. |
Timeout | [Windows Vista or later] Sets up a waiting state with a timeout for input. |