Rd, Rmdir - DOS/Command Prompt Reference
Deletes the directory. [MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] Cannot delete the directory that contains any files or directories.
rd [/S] [/Q] <directory-path>
rmdir [/S] [/Q] <directory-path>
rd, rmdir | This command can be either ‘rd’ or ‘rmdir’. |
<directory-path> | Specifies the directory path to delete. |
/S | [Windows NT] Specifies this option to delete not only the directory but also its containing all files/directories. The confirmation for deletion will be prompted. |
/Q | [Windows NT] Specifies to skip confirmation for deletion when using ‘/S’. (Quiet mode) |
Rd and Rmdir are used to delete the directory. Normally Rd/Rmdir cannot delete non-empty directories, but in Windows NT series (and XP and later) by using ‘/S’ option non-empty directories can be deleted forcely.
[MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/Me] To delete non-empty directories, use Deltree program.
[Windows 2000 or later] If the directory to be deleted is a mount point, this command will unmount and then delete the directory. In this case, even if using ‘/S’, contents in the volume (mounted to specified directory) will not be deleted. (Please see also Mountvol command page.)
rd /S /Q D:\Documents\data\2020
[Windows NT] Deletes ‘D:\Documents\data\2020’ without prompting. All including files and subdirectories are also deleted.
Please use ‘/S /Q’ carefully since Rd/Rmdir will not prompting for delete action and the deleted files/directories will not be restored.