Adddrv | [DOS][W9x]Loads character device files into the current session. |
Append | [DOS]Configures files in the specified directory to be treated as if they exist in the current directory. |
Assoc | Displays or modifies file associations. |
Attrib | Displays or changes file/directory attributes. |
Break | [DOS]Changes the configuration for handling Ctrl+C input during file access and similar operations. |
Call | Executes a batch program from a batch program without terminating. Or executes subroutines. |
Cd | Changes the current directory. |
Chcp | Displays/changes the code page for the current session. |
Chdir | Changes the current directory. |
Chev | [DOS][W9x]Switches the language (mode) for the current session. |
Chkdsk | Conducts a disk check. |
Chkntfs | Schedules volume check for the next startup. |
Choice | Displays choices on the screen and prompts for input. |
Clip | Copies the provided input to the clipboard. |
Cls | Clears all output in the screen. |
Cmd | Executes the Windows Command Interpreter (Command Prompt). |
Color | Changes the prompt color. |
Command | [DOS][W9x]Executes the MS-DOS command interpreter (MS-DOS prompt). |
Comp | Compares files in binary. |
Compact | Manages the compression status of files on NTFS. |
Convert | Converts a volume with FAT/FAT32 file system to NTFS. |
Copy | Copies the file(s). |
Curl | Performs data transfer using URLs. |
Date | Displays and changes the system date. |
Del | Deletes the file(s). |
Deldrv | [DOS][W9x]Unloads character device files that have been loaded into the current session. |
Deltree | [DOS][W9x]Deletes the directory tree (directory and files/directories in its directory). |
Dir | Displays the file list in the directory. |
Diskcomp | Compares the (floppy) disks. |
Diskcopy | Copies the (floppy) disk. |
Doskey | Configures input assistance settings for the prompt. |
Echo | Outputs text to the screen. Also toggles prompt display. |
Endlocal | Ends localization of environment changes. |
Erase | Deletes the file(s). |
Exit | Exits the prompt, batch programs, or subroutines. |
Expand | Expands files compressed in a specific format. |
Fc | Compares files. |
Find | Searches for the string from the file. |
Findstr | Searches for the string from the file. More advanced search options than Find are available. |
For | Executes a command for each files or texts matching with the specified pattern. |
Forfiles | Executes a command on files/directories located under the specified directory. |
Format | Formats a drive. |
Ftp | Connects to the FTP server and performs file transfers. |
Ftype | Manages the file types used in file associations. |
Goto | Moves execution to the specified label in batch files. |
Help | Displays the command's help. |
Hostname | Outputs the hostname for the computer on which the Hostname program is executed to the screen. |
Icacls | Displays or changes Access Control List (ACL). |
If | Executes a command when specified condition is met. |
Ipconfig | Performs operations related to network adapters and IP addresses. |
Label | Displays or changes the volume label of a drive. |
Lh | [DOS]Loads a resident program into upper memory. |
Loadhigh | [DOS]Loads a resident program into upper memory. |
Md | Creates a new directory. |
Mem | [DOS]Outputs the memory usage status of resident programs. |
Mkdir | Creates a new directory. |
Mklink | Creates a symbolic link, a hard link, etc. |
Mode | Configures devices such as CON, COMn, etc. |
More command | Displays the long output per screen. |
Mountvol | Manages volume drive assignments. |
Move | Moves the file(s). |
Openfiles | Checks and closes open files among those shared remotely. |
Path | Displays or changes the path(s) to search for programs. |
Pause | Stops (pauses) the execution and prompts for any key input. |
Popd | Restores Pushd's directory change just before. |
Print | Prints (sends) text to the printer. |
Prompt | Sets/changes the prompt display. |
Pushd | Changes the current directory. The current directory can be restored by calling Popd. |
Qbasic | [DOS]Launches MS-DOS QBasic. |
Rd | Deletes the directory. |
Recover | Attempts to recover (restore) the file. |
Reg | Operates on the Windows Registry. |
Rem | Does nothing. Used for writing comments in batch files. |
Ren | Changes the name of the file. |
Rename | Changes the name of the file. |
Replace | Replaces files in a specified directory with files from another directory. |
Rmdir | Deletes the directory. |
Robocopy | Copy files and directories using the specified conditions. |
Runas | Runs the program with a user and privileges different from the current user. |
Scandisk | [DOS][W9x]Performs a check on the disk (drive) and repair the file system. |
Schtasks | Manages tasks, which execute programs at specific timings. |
Set | Displays or modifies environment variables. |
Setlocal | Begins localization of environment changes, making environment variable changes or etc. temporary. |
Setver | [DOS][W9x]Manages the MS-DOS version table and changes the MS-DOS version presented to a specific program. |
Setx | Adds or modifies values in user-specific/system-wide environment variable settings. |
Shift | Shifts parameters, specified to the batch program, and enables to use 10 or more parameters. |
Shutdown | Shuts down or restarts the computer. |
Sort | Sorts each line of input data and prints the result. |
Start command | Launches the program or executes the default processing for the file. |
Subst | Assigns a specific directory to a virtual drive. |
Switch | [DOS]Switches the language environment of MS-DOS. |
Sys | [DOS][W9x]Copies files for an MS-DOS boot disk to a drive. |
Systeminfo | Displays system information. |
Takeown | Sets the owner of the file/directory to the current user. |
Taskkill | Terminates the currently running program. |
Tasklist | Displays a list of currently running programs. |
Time | Displays and changes the system time setting. |
Timeout | Waits for a specified duration (waiting for input). |
Title | Changes the title of the prompt window. |
Tree | Displays subdirectories (or files) in the tree format. |
Tskill | Forcefully terminates the running process (program). |
Type | Outputs the file content. |
Tzutil | Displays or changes the time zone setting. |
Ver | Prints the version of MS-DOS or Windows. |
Verify | Sets whether to verify writing a file to a disk. |
Vol | Displays the volume label and volume serial number. |
Waitfor | Sends/receives signals to wait for. |
Where | Searches for files that match the pattern and outputs their locations. |
Whoami | Outputs the username, group names, and permissions based on the current session. |
Xcopy | Copies files and directories. |